I interrupt the continuing story in Volume 95:
Francesco DiGiuda – Part 1 involving the missing of Francesco DiGiuda (Captain
with the Corps of the Pontifical Swiss Guard), the kidnapping of Karol Jozef
Stephenson (God Son to Pope Paul II), millions of Dollars from the Vatican bank
along with the death of Pope Paul I and possibly the threat to the present
HOWEVER, this upcoming
election in a few weeks deserved some reality versus fictional writing. Thus…
As I stated four years ago,
this election is also about the Economy, Immigration, Foreign Policy, and
putting/keeping America First. The
difference is that within a few weeks this election is about the Republic living
or dying. It has been proven the Hillary
Clinton created the story about Russian collusion with the help of not only the
FBI hierarchy but the powers of President Obama and Vice President Biden, and
the ultimate super Pac called the mainstream Media as the single largest act of
treason in the history of our country in the attempt to bring down the
President of the United States. As cunning,
ambitious and unprincipled as these players are they aren’t any different than common
criminals corrupt with consent. As
horrible as these corrupt individuals are we know face the dying of the
Republic into a Socialistic State where we submit ourselves to a government
that is all powerful without regards to individual rights and the breakdown of
the Constitution of the United States.
One can only image the
Republic with Kamala Harris as President (of course, you can’t believe that Biden
will survive even two years if elected do you? Maybe one should ask Hillary
about that possibility) with Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, the Squad et al
in the Cabinet or worse head of major agencies. This is a fight between
Individual Rights where our success or failure is based on our ability not on
the Government where Jobs are created by the Private Sector and not by the
Government, law and order is the rule of law and where human beings have a
right to live freely, and pursue that which motivates us not because man or
some government says so, but because these are God-given natural rights versus
Socialism dictating distribution of wealth, higher taxes, loss of private
sector jobs, open borders, abandoning the principles of the Constitution and
failed ideas of all Socialistic Countries without exception. As John Adams cautioned, “A Constitution of
Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once
lost, is lost forever.”
Unfortunately, I recognize
the fact that few (these days) have actually read the Constitution and the Bill
of Rights as well as our pathetic educational system which doesn’t even rank in
the top 20 of one hundred and eighty countries to completely grasp the
importance and understanding of the Constitution and of this election. It however doesn’t diminish that
importance. The ‘Swamp’ is not
representative of people who understand our founding fathers thought
process. The corruption of the ‘Swamp’
is by consent and not ignorance and therein lies the most danger to our
Republic. It is imperative to deflate
the ‘Deep State’ and turn back the tide of the ‘leftist’ program although born
in the era of FDR matured with the administration of Obama now in full growth
with the present ‘leftist’ agenda.
I only ask those people about
to vote to read and to attempt to understand the following quote of 1864.
“We all declare for liberty;
but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. With some the
word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the
product of his labor; while with others, the same word may mean for some men to
do as they please with other men, and the product of other man’s labor. Here
are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name –
liberty. And it follows that each of the
things is, by the respective parties, called two different and incompatible names
– liberty and tyranny.” Abraham Lincoln